
So, i was just finished watching Ugly Betty dvd’s with my sister. And in those episode, it was about the UGLY Betty met a HOT guy named Zachary Boyle. And surprisingly he was attracted to Betty, and they begin dating……..

I watched it as i sat down nicely with my mouth full of snacks. For me, i got automatically accept the story, i enjoy it and think it’s cute. But my sister, yes she enjoyed it by kept shouting “WHAt?!”. And in the end of this episode she grin and said “this is public duping. No such thing for REAL!”

This handsome famous guy, Zachary, is..i think..quite genuine about his feeling to this ‘ugly and cheerful’ Betty. How can i say that? because..Zachary is the one who think dating Betty is totally FINE, there’s nothing necessary to hide while in the otherside Betty tried to hide their relationship. That is cute for a story. But my sister talking about the reality, and get a little sceptic about that. About a megahot guy like Zachary fell for a girl like Betty. Well…

At first i argued her (my sister) told that i do believe in genuine love not from just the way you look. You know, spending much time together, getting to know each other from inside-outside? and love grows before we knew it? Then my sister rolled her eyes, she said i could be a good scriptwriter producing boring love series. Then i laugh. Yes i’m a bad debater. So i tossed it away, and we started to googled this hot Zachary Boyle. But from the middle of nowhere, we found some article on a blog related with what my sister just though. About this ugly pretty people issues.

It tells, society is more accepting of an ugly man who dates a pretty woman.When people saw a beautiful girl dating a not-good looking guy, excuses pops like..the guy must be rich, or.. he must be a real good guy, anything..and consider it normal, no biggie, a mutual relathionship. Acceptable. But if in reverse? if a plain-looking girl going out with a hot guy, it is like..ahh look at her body! boobs and bums ofcourse! that girl must be tricky, or that girl must be super rich in a humiliating way.

This shocked me as i agreed about it.

Then in the article it explains, in society, as a woman we naturally have somekind of pressure to look beautiful. Moreover in nowadays century, it seems a must to pay at least some attention to the way we looks. In the other side, when guys are plain, it is normal because a pressure to look beautiful hasn’t placed on them.

(deep sigh…..)

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